Friday, April 20, 2012

Sitting Down on the Job

Miles saw this and said:

"We were trying to pick it up.  But it was TOO heavy!"

Next time he should make Lil Q get up and help!

Celebrity Sighting

This happened in March, but I'm just getting around to posting it.

We were at the library today and one of the librarians told me that she was having dinner with a friend the other night and the friend said, "I have to tell you about my new little buddy! His name is Miles..."

Yes, my Miles! She works with Aunt Marilyn and met him at the school, evidently. She didn't know that Karen knew Miles, just couldn't help talking about this funny little talker. He's moved beyond small-town fame, now. People all over the county are talkin'.

From "Aunt Bickie"

Aunt Vickie posted this to Facebook:

Miles: "Aunt Bickie do you have a drum set at your house
me: "No sweetie, I don't have any toys."
Miles: "No toys, why not?"
me: "Well my little boy grew up and he is a man now, so I don't have any toys"
Miles: "I tell you what, you get a drum set and when I grow up and have kids, I will bring my kids over to play at your house."
me: "OK, since that will probably be about 20 years from now you might want to call first so that I have the drums ready"
Miles: "OK, I'll call first"


Miles, to his brother: "Tentin Oliver! What on EARTH are you DOIN?"
And then, collapsing to the bed with a sigh, "Oh my GOSH."


"Ahhhh Choo!  Oh man.  This stuff makes me bless you!"

I made the mistake of saying, "Oh it makes you sneeze?" So now he won't call it "bless you" anymore, just plain old sneezing. :(

Sugar Rush

"I don't have any engedy so I need a piece of candy to give me some engedy."

(Mommy is very glad that the candy holidays are done for awhile!)

Practical Mathematics

Miles: I need my ball shoes for the playground so I can run.  No, I need my sand shoes to play in the sand!
Mommy: Well, you need to decide, we need to get your shoes on.
Miles: I know!  I need one ball shoe and one sand shoe!  I have two feet, so I just need two one-shoes!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Fury Speaks

To my great surprise, Quentin's vocabulary is exploding already.  I expected him to be closer to 18 months like his brother, especially since he didn't even attempt to speak before he was 11 months old.

Now, at a week past his first birthday he's saying:
Dee (Odie)
Ba'ball  (basketball)
Rawr (hands up like claws, clear as day)
Dah (dog)
Ticka-ticka (tickle tickle)
Ba (ball)
Nana (for food)

He also signs more and eat.

Vertical Thinking

Miles is fascinated by the hatch in his ceiling that leads up to the attic.  He's spent many mornings recently brainstorming ways we could get up there to hang out with family and friends.  We started with ladders, of course.  Then jumping on the bed to get higher.  After that he thought of driving up or taking a train, but realized quickly that those wouldn't work since there are no roads or tracks.  He came to the obvious answer- a rocket ship!

I thought he'd exhausted all of his ideas, but this morning he came up with one more.  "Mommy, we could use my basketball!"

"Well, that might get the door open, but how would it help us get up there?"

"We'll hold on tight and have someone else shoot the ball up there!  Mamaw Pam can do it."


I've been terrible about updating since Quentin started walking and things got crazier around here!

Soon I will post a nice long post with funnies and milestones from the past 3 months!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Steppin' Up

Quentin took 4 or 5 steps from Nathan to me this morning.  Real, steady steps!  He's done the one, half stepping, half falling thing before, but this was the real deal.

9 months old.  We're in trouble.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Potty Humor

Miles has been mostly potty trained for about a month and a half now.  He just decided he was going to go on the potty one day, and that was that- for the most part.

Aunt "Bickie" took him to the potty one day and he told her she needed to take his shoes, pants and undies off.

Aunt Bickie:  You don't need to take your shoes off.
Miles: Yes I do!
Aunt Bickie:  I bet your daddy doesn't take his shoes of to go potty.
Miles: My daddy stands up to go potty.  Of course he doesn't take his shoes off!  I'm can't stand up yet, I'm too little!


Miles is telling a lot of random little stories lately.  It's clear that I ask, "What happened THEN?" frequently because every sentence of his stories begins with, "then..."

"Last week I bumped my head.  Then my mommy asked if I was ok.  Then I told her, 'I'm fine.... I think.'"

"This is a monster foot." (Pointing out his left foot to daddy while in the tub.)
"This foot is a boy." (Pointing to his right foot.)
"Then the monster chases the boy!" (He puts both feet up on the side of the tub and chases the right with the left.)
"Then the monster friend catches the boy." (Left foot lands on right.)
"I love that boy!" (Monster foot kisses and snuggles boy foot.)


"I was doing like this at Mamaw Pam's house." (Standing on one foot with the other extended behind him, in an awkward, unbalanced way that reminds me of myself attempting back kicks in kickboxing class!)

"Then Aunt Bickie told me to put one hand on the couch.  So I did.  I put one hand on the couch.  Then I did this again.  Then in worked!"  (Holding onto my chair now, doing the same one-footed move, but less clumsily.)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Inventive Baker

Milo: Come look at my machine I made!
Mommy: Oh, a machine!  What kind of machine?
Milo: A cookie making machine.
Mommy: Can you show me how it works?
Milo: Yes! You do this (pushes lightly in a block with his fingertips, obviously hitting buttons) and the cookies go here, then they come here and they come out here. (He points to specific points on the machine, then hands me an invisible cookie at the end.)

At the doctor's office they ask if he can build a tower with six blocks.  Sure, he can.  And it bakes desserts!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Meaningful Conversation

M: Daddy, do you want to play jenga with me?
D: Absolutely!
M (to me): Daddy said, "Absolutely!"
Me: What does that mean?
M: Absolutely?  Absolutely means "Yes!"

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Whoa! Lights!

We had a wonderful and busy Holiday Season with family.  We decided not to decorate the house until after the boys were in bed on Christmas Eve so that we could have a little magic on Christmas morning when Miles came down to a living room glittering with lights and a tree.  It worked like a charm!  He was so surprised and excited.  He just kept saying, "Whoa!" and "We have LIGHTS!"

Here are my beautiful boys: