Saturday, November 19, 2011


Miles tells us frequently that he'll have to "tink about it," when we ask him a question.  Then he falls quiet, occasionally giving a "hmm" or tilting his head, weighing his options.  We weren't sure if this was just a stall tactic or way of putting us off.

Daddy: What is your favorite thing to work on, Miles?
Miles: Hmm.  I'll have to tink about that.

He falls silent in his car set for several blocks and daddy looks back to see him staring out the window.

Daddy: What are you thinking about, Monkey?
Miles: I'm just thinking about what my favorite thing is to work on.  Probably shelves.

In the same vein, I give him a choice between two pair of pajamas each evening.  He takes this decision very seriously.  Last night I held up a red pair with a race car on the front and a blue pair with a cool dinosaur.

Me: Red or blue?
Miles, muttering to himself, head tipping side to side with the weight of the choice:  Red- it has a car.  Hmm.  I like that dinosaur. Blue!  No.  Hmm.  Red? Blue?  Car? Dinosaur?  Hmm.

He finally chose the red.

I hope he remains so thoughtful about his choices as he grows older.

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