Sunday, November 27, 2011

Big Bad Brainiac

Miles was climbing all over Nathan on the playroom floor, getting him to play air plane and otherwise having a blast.

Daddy got tired and sat up, and Miles just stood for a second looking at him thoughtfully.  Then Miles lit up and declared, "I'm the Big Bad Wolf! I'll huff and puff and blow you down!" He blows a puff of air at Daddy who can't resist falling to the ground- and Miles runs back over and climbs on, giggling.   Problem solved- daddy down!

Saturday, November 26, 2011


We were watching Happy Feet last night and I was amazed at how much of it he understood.

For instance, when Mumble is in the zoo dancing for the little girl and the crowds start pouring in.  He says, "All those people are coming to watch him move his feet!"

Ok, so that seems obvious, but it wasn't stated and I am amazed that my 26 month old has such good comprehension of the story line, even the unspoken parts.  Not to mention that he sat and watched the entire full-length movie with that level on interest and engagement.

Happy birthday Mommy

I was cuddling with Miles in his bed this morning.
He woke up and said, "It's time to go downstairs!"
Me: Give me just one minute.  (A line he gives me all the time.)
Him: Ok.  ONE minute.

Then he yawns and says, "Hmm, it sounds like I'm still sleepy!"

He laid back down and fell asleep for another 2 hours!  Or maybe it was 2 hours and ONE minute.

Saturday, November 19, 2011


Miles tells us frequently that he'll have to "tink about it," when we ask him a question.  Then he falls quiet, occasionally giving a "hmm" or tilting his head, weighing his options.  We weren't sure if this was just a stall tactic or way of putting us off.

Daddy: What is your favorite thing to work on, Miles?
Miles: Hmm.  I'll have to tink about that.

He falls silent in his car set for several blocks and daddy looks back to see him staring out the window.

Daddy: What are you thinking about, Monkey?
Miles: I'm just thinking about what my favorite thing is to work on.  Probably shelves.

In the same vein, I give him a choice between two pair of pajamas each evening.  He takes this decision very seriously.  Last night I held up a red pair with a race car on the front and a blue pair with a cool dinosaur.

Me: Red or blue?
Miles, muttering to himself, head tipping side to side with the weight of the choice:  Red- it has a car.  Hmm.  I like that dinosaur. Blue!  No.  Hmm.  Red? Blue?  Car? Dinosaur?  Hmm.

He finally chose the red.

I hope he remains so thoughtful about his choices as he grows older.

So grown up

Miles, looking sad, told me, "I really, really want to see my daddy."  I told him that we could call daddy at work when he was ready for bed if he wanted.

"Ok, I feel a little better now."

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Close Call

Miles bursts into the playroom and drops two balls into a toy box.  "Whew, that was a close one!"

"What was close?"

"I had to get those balls away from the monsters.  That's what I mean."


Miles, looking at the floor and then up at me, spoon in hand: "Once upon a time there was yogurt on the floor..." 
Mommy: "Yeah? Then what happened?" 
Miles: "I cleaned it up with a washcloth?"
Mommy: "There is a wipe on the table you can use. Thank you."
Miles: "You're welcome.  The end!"

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Fair Play

Miles likes tv, especially the preschool shows on Nick Jr like Team Umizoomi, Bubble Guppies and Ni Hao, Kai Lan.  He's learned so much and they are actually pretty fun for me to watch, too.

Sometimes it is just not his turn, though. And he doesn't really like that.

"Mommy, let's watch MY show!"
"No, it's my turn to pick a show."
"Well, then let's watch something we BOTH like!"
"What show do we both like?"

Heeeeere's Miles!

We've been going to storytime at the library each Wednesday.  Miles is by far the most talkative kid that attends.  He answers all the questions- unless they are about colors- and is just generally very friendly.

We walked in last week and the librarian looked up and said, "Oh, look!  It's our social director!"

A mere suggestion, really.

"Mommy, I have to tell yous somethin.  Just somethin to think 'bout."

"Oh, what should I think about?"

"Getting me something to drink.  Probably apple juice."