Friday, April 20, 2012

Sitting Down on the Job

Miles saw this and said:

"We were trying to pick it up.  But it was TOO heavy!"

Next time he should make Lil Q get up and help!

Celebrity Sighting

This happened in March, but I'm just getting around to posting it.

We were at the library today and one of the librarians told me that she was having dinner with a friend the other night and the friend said, "I have to tell you about my new little buddy! His name is Miles..."

Yes, my Miles! She works with Aunt Marilyn and met him at the school, evidently. She didn't know that Karen knew Miles, just couldn't help talking about this funny little talker. He's moved beyond small-town fame, now. People all over the county are talkin'.

From "Aunt Bickie"

Aunt Vickie posted this to Facebook:

Miles: "Aunt Bickie do you have a drum set at your house
me: "No sweetie, I don't have any toys."
Miles: "No toys, why not?"
me: "Well my little boy grew up and he is a man now, so I don't have any toys"
Miles: "I tell you what, you get a drum set and when I grow up and have kids, I will bring my kids over to play at your house."
me: "OK, since that will probably be about 20 years from now you might want to call first so that I have the drums ready"
Miles: "OK, I'll call first"


Miles, to his brother: "Tentin Oliver! What on EARTH are you DOIN?"
And then, collapsing to the bed with a sigh, "Oh my GOSH."


"Ahhhh Choo!  Oh man.  This stuff makes me bless you!"

I made the mistake of saying, "Oh it makes you sneeze?" So now he won't call it "bless you" anymore, just plain old sneezing. :(

Sugar Rush

"I don't have any engedy so I need a piece of candy to give me some engedy."

(Mommy is very glad that the candy holidays are done for awhile!)

Practical Mathematics

Miles: I need my ball shoes for the playground so I can run.  No, I need my sand shoes to play in the sand!
Mommy: Well, you need to decide, we need to get your shoes on.
Miles: I know!  I need one ball shoe and one sand shoe!  I have two feet, so I just need two one-shoes!